Our Weekly Cup;

Water Fasting, Our First Event and Family

This week has been gigantic in a lot of ways and with the full moon supporting the release of past versions of ourselves, we’re embracing new beginnings and excited for the next chapter to begin its unfolding.

Lets dive in!

Sunday kicked off our week with an incredible family dinner. Throughout out journey our families have been incredibly supportive in their own ways and it was our time to shower them in love, appreciation and provide a feast that would bring them together to celebrate life.

We aren’t huge on celebrating birthdays or ‘holidays’ because every single day is a birthday and cause for celebration. When we wake from the other worlds we visit in our sleep, we are reborn. We have the choice to create whatever life we desire upon this new rising. The world is fresh, our perspective is fresh, our body is fresh - that is worth celebrating.

We toasted to a life worth celebrating, we laughed and shared our stories and it was the greatest start to a wild week ahead.

We would like to take this moment to say thank you to our families. We love you and we appreciate your unwavering support thus far and we look forward to many more days of celebrating this abundant and prosperous life we are sharing.

By far the biggest experience of our week has been Siniša’s three and a half day water fast. That is a whopping 84 hours of no food, only water. His intentions were set Sunday evening after a beautiful family dinner and the journey began.

It was a journey of deep unravelling, processing, clarity and appreciation for both of us. When one of us chooses an experience of extreme growth, the other can either choose to grow with them or remain stagnant. We have both consciously chosen to consistently hold ourselves and each other accountable for what we are choosing for ourselves. This requires us to be making the choice to face ourselves, acknowledge the parts of us that require to be let go of so that we can continue to to meet the other in their new, high vibrational space.

A water fast is a vibrational space that one enters in which they can access parts of themselves left untended and bring forth incredible levels of awareness, healing and clarity.

Of course, there are endless physical benefits for water fasting but truthfully, that is purely the surface level of what this type of experience is all about. The mental, emotional and energetic bodies get a full rewiring and if done intentionally, a water fast can help us access levels of appreciation and love that are beyond words.

Together, we ventured into a vortex of growth and by Saturday, we had shifted into the new versions that the water fast vortex was beckoning us to step into and the energy, clarity, connection, love, appreciation and trust emanating from every cell is beyond anything either of us knew was possible.

Food is fuel, fasting is medicine and a tool to greater self awareness. It is an integral part of our up coming program, The Path to Mastery. If you would like to join us and become the greatest version of yourself, sign up to the wait list here.

We have been deep in the preparation and planning phase for our first Good Rising Cacao event which is happening in exactly 2 weeks.

We will be holding a ceremony over a 3-5 hour period with 10 people. This exclusive and transformative experience will include a heart opening Cacao Ceremony followed by the unparalleled shamanic sound journey with Siniša and will conclude with a community feast and connection.

We will be launching the details on this exclusive event this week and bookings will be opened up online on a first in first served basis.

If you’re not already, sign up to our mailing list to be the first to receive the booking information!

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This week, well, we are having a private event today with our family, our new content campaign is launching across social media and we will be prepping for all of the incredibly exciting things we have to share with you about updated products, subscription options, wholesale and much more!!

See you all next week and as always, thank you for being here, we love and appreciate you all so very much,

Kate & Siniša


Our Weekly Cup;


Our Weekly Cup;