Our Weekly Cup;

Exploring Subconscious Reprogramming, Crafting Recipes for Life, Moonlit Strolls, and Oracle Insights

Life has a beautiful way of turning out nothing like we had planned but exactly what we required.

This week, we had big intentions of filming content, creating new batches in the factory and sorting out some website systems. What actualised was an incredible week of rest, 5am meditations, moonlit sunrise walks, receiving abundance in unexpected ways and deep diving into our sub-conscious programming. So, grab yourself a warm cup of cacao, settle into a comfortable spot and lets dive into a week of Good Rising.

Full Moon in Libra

A full moon combined with a lunar eclipse had us waking before 5am and settling into deeply transformative meditations. On the rising after the full moon hit her peak, we ventured out under her magical light on a quest to find the highest vantage point for witnessing the sun rise. Somewhere along the way, we were blessed with meeting the local cat ‘Gingy’ or as Siniša has named her, ‘Patches’.

We spent a glorious rising walking through the paddocks and along train lines mesmerised by our cat friend who surprisingly joined us for quite some time. Check out our instagram for a video of our adventure with Gingy/Patches.

Cats often symbolise independence, self-reliance and freedom which upon reflection, were pretty bang on themes for the week ahead.

Earth Blend, Almond, Date cookie dough slice

Since the beginning of Good Rising Cacao, we have been experimenting with different ways to incorporate our blends into our lives and this week, we finally landed on the most delectable gluten free, vegan chocolate topped cookie dough slice. Not only is it delicious but it is packed with energy boosting cacao, nourishing fats and medicinal mushrooms. We’re testing out these delights for our first recipe book which will be shared with our wonderful mailing list community first so sign up now, redeem a $5 discount for your first order and be the first to receive our recipe book when it arrives.

During a full moon, we like to connect into the field and receive any messages coming through for the next cycle and this deck of oracle cards has been incredible on so many levels. Powerful messages combined with beautiful art creates a magical deck that we can not recommend highly enough. If you’ve been waiting for a sign for your next deck - this is it!

Medicine Heart Oracle by Alana Fairchild is not to be missed.

The main theme running in the background of our week has been the experience of becoming the observers of our subconscious mind. What a wild and wonderful world of programming that place is and the absolute beauty of it all is that like any machine or software, it can be updated with new programming at any moment.

What we consume on our devices, who we spend time with, conversations we engage in; life in general. It all contributes to our subconscious program which is the control centre creating our experience.

So, how are we re-programming our subconscious mind?

It is going to look different for each individual dependent upon where you are at in your journey of awareness but for us, we have started observing the programs running rampant in our minds. We come to this with no judgement, it is pure observation and acknowledgement because after all, the programs that are installed aren’t necessarily ours, most likely they come from our childhood or society so harsh judgement is unnecessary and cruel.

This process has been extremely interesting and insightful, gifting us with the power of knowledge and allowing us to deepen our connection to ourselves.

Once we knew a few of the unnecessary programs running in the background and brought awareness to them, we got to work on re-programming those parts of our subconscious mind. If our minds are the creators of our world, what is it that we want our world to look, feel and be like?

For example, one of the many layers of programs uncovered was around the body. How often have we read something or watched a tv show, movie etc and been told what types of food we must eat to be healthy - if you’re anything like us, you’re bombarded with programming around this topic daily. Depending on what you watch or read, almost everything can kill you and in the next article it's a super food. Makes sense right?

If our minds can create ANYTHING, why not create the programming you want around ‘health’. We started asking ourselves, What is health to me? How would I like to achieve my version of health? With ease or hard work? With unlimited options or restriction? With joy or suffering?

Have a listen to what your thoughts are saying about health - stay open and curious. Have fun!

Once we navigated that space we began the reprogramming phase which is all about affirmations. When we first read about affirmations years ago, it was challenging to comprehend that saying something that went against what we believed was the truth could actually alter anything in our world but that’s why awareness and observation are first. Get to know your thoughts, become friends with your subconscious mind, move through the blocks and then re-program the system.

Some of the tools that are an integral part of our daily practise to aid in self awareness, self responsibility and self mastery are meditation, movement, controlled stress exposure (ice baths, saunas, shakti etc), fueling and hydrating the body with clean water and whole foods, journalling, sound healing, massage and whatever else feels in alignment.

This feels like the perfect segway to something we have been keeping quiet, until now. Good Rising goes beyond cacao and this is the first of many new community minded creations we will be sharing.

We are in the midst of creating Path to Mastery, a multi level program working with a team of experts in an array of different fields. Without giving away too much just yet, Path to Mastery will entail energetic clearing, subconscious reprogramming, detoxification, sound healing, business mentoring and a whole host of other incredible tools to assist in the development of awareness, self remembrance and self mastery.

If this inspires curiosity or interest for you, click the link below to receive updates when they are available and be the first to apply for the program.

One of the affirmations we are using to reprogram our subconscious mind

So, that’s us this week! It’s been quite the journey and with all this reprogramming, delicious chocolate feasting and the moon making her shift into waning - it feels like the week ahead may just be the perfect time to feel the gratitude for our journey and begin the inward look at our goals.

Thank you for sharing a weekly cup with us, we’ll see you next week!

Don’t forget to join us on social media - this week we will be giving away Soothe & Restore, be in it to win it!


Our Weekly Cup;


Our Weekly Cup;